China’s gender imbalance

In Monday's Vox column Esther Duflo observes that the ramifications of China's One Child policy are steadily beginning to be felt

Among 16-25 year olds today, there are nearly 110 boys for every 100 girls. Boys are having trouble getting married. And young men, particularly single ones, have more behavioural problems and commit more crimes than young women … Since 1998, the number of crimes has risen 13% per year on average. Seventy percent of criminals arrested are between 16 and 25 years old, and 90% are male

Concerns a that such a demographic imbalance may result in violence, economic crisis, an imminent rise of prostitution, and kidnapping are also beginning to surface. Unfortunately, it could take some fifteen years before this imbalance rights itself, likely more given that the CCP intends to continue the policy for at least another decade, with few modifications.