No more slacking

When I was a little girl I had the habit of starting diaries and then forgetting all about them. While sifting through the basement at my parents' house not too long ago, I counted twelve - twelve! - half begun and never finished diaries spanning about a five year period. I was mortified. Yet it would appear that since September(-ish) my childhood habit has reemerged with respect to this blog. But no more. Nope. I've made a pre-New Year's New Year resolution (seeing that I rarely keep the resolutions I make on New Year's proper, I figure this might be a sneaky way to avert the inevitable downfall...) to blog regularly. There are far too many fascinating things going on not to. 

As you can see, I've moved to a new site which will hopefully bring you much aesthetic pleasure and happy reading. As always, feel free to leave comments or drop me a line - it's always great to hear from you!

Welcome back & happy reading!