As though reading my mind this morning (I appear to be on an anti-celebrities who want to save the world/Collier's "headless hearts" kick today), Ryan Hahn, writing in the World Bank's PSD blog, notes the following:
In her book Dead Aid, aid critic Dambisa Moyo proclaims that the 2000s were the era of glamor aid. (Think Bono and Bob Geldof.) So what will the 2010s be? I think we already have an idea. This morning I received a newsletter from Kiva, the well-known P2P microfinance lender, and the title proclaimed proudly that "Brad Pitt Twitters about Kiva." (You can even follow a link to get a screenshot of Brad Pitt's twitter message.) I happen to be a fan of Kiva, but I have to wonder - am I the only one whose stomach turns at the prospect of aid flows being determined by the whims of celebrities through their Twitter feeds?
No, Ryan, you're absolutely not. I am right there with you... stomach churning and all.