Understanding China's international behavior

The RAND Corporation has released a most worthwhile report on China's international behavior. Sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, the report:

analyzes the content, character, and execution of China’s international behavior. It examines how China views its security environment, how it defines its foreign policy objectives, how it is pursuing these objectives, and the consequences for U.S. economic and security interests.

While I haven't yet made my way through the document in its entirety, I can comfortably say that it does an excellent job of highlighting and explaining the breadth and rapidity of China's international exploits, without the sense of panic that now plagues the majority of such reports emanating from the U.S.. The report examines China's foreign policy strategy from the point of view of Beijing's objectives, and stresses especially the ways in which China is working within the current international system while at the same time altering it to its advantage. The full report may be found here.