
There is so much that I want to say today, but alas I woke up running, as it were, and am fantastically behind in all that I'm meant to accomplish. Nevertheless, I do want to bring several things to your attention:

China today released a Human Rights Plan, a lengthy document promising to Chinese citizens a myriad of civil liberties they have thus far been denied. The full text of the plan (in English) may be found here.

The U.S. is considering attacking Somali pirates' land bases. I'm not quite sure the U.S. knows what it's getting itself into should this go ahead. A horrible idea, if you ask me (more on this in upcoming posts!)

Arguably one of the better summaries of all that is right, and all that is wrong, with Dambisa Moyo's controversial book, Dead Aid.

Money as art: billboards, flyers and posters made from worthless Zimbabwean dollars (you can view the images here)